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[WORLDPG ANIMATION] Rental Wife Mayumi's "Netorase" Report: Sensitive Wife and Adultery Business Trip The Motion Anime


Overview: One day,the protagonist,Yasutomo Kosaka,becomes interested in a story he sees online about a man who lets his wife sleep with another man. He wonders what kind of sex his wife Mayumi,who has only had sex with him,will have with another man. His fantasies escalate,and he finally confesses his desire. Mayumi refuses her husband's request,but finally succumbs to his enthusiasm and agrees on one condition: "If it's a man I can trust." And so,the wife chooses to "lend her" to her husband,Shinkai Satoru,a divorced boss who is one year younger than her and the only person she trusts other than her husband. Satoru and she often go on business trips,so it was decided that she would lend him out at those times. It's a forbidden "extramarital business trip sex." What kind of sex took place between the two of them? It won't be known until the wife returns home.

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